Tridiagonal Solutions

Tridiagonal Solutions

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Product Name: MixIT

The World’s Most Comprehensive Mixing Analysis Tool

Product Description: MixIT is a mixing analysis and scale-up tool designed to facilitate comprehensive stirred tank analysis using lab and plant data, empirical correlations and advanced 3D CFD models. The software can be used by engineers and chemists to:

  1. Accelerate process scale up
  2. Reduce uncertainties during tech transfer
  3. Resolve quality issues
  4. Reduce Energy
  5. Improve asset utilization

Product Name: ZoneIT

Product Description: ZoneIT is a smart process modeling tool that enables engineers to predict process performance using realistic flow/mixing patterns. Using a technique called “zonal network representation”, ZoneIT brings together the power of computational flow modeling and the simplicity/robustness of engineering models to optimize complex process applications involving single/multiphase flows, reactions, heat and mass transfer operations etc.

Product Name: SmartDem

Product Description: This is a computational tool based on the discrete element method for bulk solid flow analysis. The tool has been successfully employed in analyzing a number of business-critical process applications in the pharma, food, specialy, petrochemical and oil&gas sectors. Some of these applications include powder mixing, solids coating (batch and continuous), drying and size reduction.

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